Saturday, January 16, 2010

Soft Launch for the Sored Muscles

Yeah, this is the soft launch of my restarted blog, after being persuaded by Dean to do so. I intended Vietnam 2010 to be the official launching since I just got the photos from Dean (thanks Dean). In light that uni years are ending soon too and the uncertainties of where we will all be, nothing better than a blog to stay updated, apart from brainless Facebook.

Those wondering how sore muscles are related to this post, the Vietnam 2010 team minus Phuong just got back from rock climbing at Camp 5 in 1U today. That’s the closing ceremony for our Vietnam 2010 trip. More Vietnamese coffee making attempts to come, and as requested photos from the trip.

Still not in the mood to head back to uni. The trip really spoilt me (and I presume Dean and Aiting too).


aiting said...

oh dear donkey it is Camp 5 my dear. anyhow welcome back! cheers to the awesome trip we had ;)

yiewdean said...

same same :)

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