Friday, March 26, 2010

Gear up for Earth Hour 2010!

Who's up for Earth Hour? I am. I gladly comply with it. Not only I'll turn off my lights, I'll go without any electrical appliance as much as I can for an hour. Just assume there's a blackout. Besides it's not like our utility is that reliable after all, with intermittent uncompensated blackouts.

I was in Melbourne for Earth Hour 2008 and Milan for Earth Hour 2009, the support which it garnered from the public was just encouraging. They even have a countdown to Earth Hour in a public venue, being celebrated on a scale as large as your New Year's Day countdown. Take a look at some of the cities across the globe during Earth Hour.

This year's Earth Hour together with @yiewdean, @Ai_Ting, @PhuongNguyenNT and @jiaminjiamin, we'll all be running the Energizer Night Race. I couldn't think of any better way to experience Earth Hour than to just run with a headlight running on minimal power.

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